Acupuncture Needles And Herbal Remedies
The Key to Good Health
Since 2008 we have been offering a unique online solution for acupuncture and herbal practioners, as well as the tens of thousands of individuals. We do things a little differently at Naturalhelp, so come to visit and browse our great selection.
Naturalhelp had a couple of acupuncture and herbal clinics in the UK. We have worked with many experienced practioners.
The products in this shop are advised by Dr Jinfu Kang who is one of our very experienced practioners. He currently practices acupuncture and herbal prescriptions in his clinic in Herbal Healing, Unit 21, Harris Arcade, 15 Friar Street, Reading, RG1 1DN. Tel: 01189 719009, Mobile: 07930 885809, email: He has been practicing in the UK for over 20 years. Prior to that, he worked in various hospitals in China. For tailored treatment, please contact Dr Kang.
We are confident the products we offer are of high quality and good for health. Please add us to your favourite list and come again.
39 Princes Gate
High Wycombe
HP13 7AD
United Kinddom
Mobile: 07886 811539
Tel: 01494 258253
Business Hours
Monday - Friday 11am - 5pm